Wolf's Rain 6

Wolf's Rain gaat over een toekomstige aarde die op de rand van uitsterven staat. In een wereld waarin gedacht werd dat wolven allang uitgestorven waren, leven er toch nog een paar, in menselijke gedaante. De serie volgt de tocht van 4 wolven die het paradijs willen bereiken.

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Tweedehands producten DVD Films

Gundam Seed Vol.6

The story, set during the Bloody Valentine War, begins in the neutral space colony Heliopolis, where secret development of advanced mobile suits for the Naturals' war effort is being conducted. The colony is attacked by ZAFT forces, the military of the Coordinators, with the objective of stealing the new units. During the incursion a teenager Coordinator named Kira Yamato, upon seeing his friends in danger, pilots the GAT-X105 Strike mobile suit to fend off the invaders but the colony is critically damaged in the ensuing fight. As Heliopolis disintegrates, the survivors board an Archangel class assault ship belonging to the Earth Alliance, the Natural's military, and begin their journey to the Alliance base in Alaska. During the journey to Earth, Kira pilots the Strike to counter a series of attacks by ZAFT but is seemingly killed by his childhood friend, ZAFT soldier Athrun Zala, during one of their battles in which he is nearly killed. Kira survives the attack is treated in one of the PLANT space colonies, home to the Coordinators. The Archangel arrives in Alaska but ZAFT launches a full scale attack on the base overpowering their enemies.

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Tweedehands producten DVD Films

Gundam Seed Vol.4

The story, set during the Bloody Valentine War, begins in the neutral space colony Heliopolis, where secret development of advanced mobile suits for the Naturals' war effort is being conducted. The colony is attacked by ZAFT forces, the military of the Coordinators, with the objective of stealing the new units. During the incursion a teenager Coordinator named Kira Yamato, upon seeing his friends in danger, pilots the GAT-X105 Strike mobile suit to fend off the invaders but the colony is critically damaged in the ensuing fight. As Heliopolis disintegrates, the survivors board an Archangel class assault ship belonging to the Earth Alliance, the Natural's military, and begin their journey to the Alliance base in Alaska. During the journey to Earth, Kira pilots the Strike to counter a series of attacks by ZAFT but is seemingly killed by his childhood friend, ZAFT soldier Athrun Zala, during one of their battles in which he is nearly killed. Kira survives the attack is treated in one of the PLANT space colonies, home to the Coordinators. The Archangel arrives in Alaska but ZAFT launches a full scale attack on the base overpowering their enemies.

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Tweedehands producten DVD Films

Argento Soma Vol. 2

In an effort to learn more about the metallic aliens that have been plaguing the planet for the past years, Dr. Noguchi and his assistant Maki Agata try to bring to life a construct pieced together from the destroyed aliens. They recruit Takuto Kaneshiro, Maki's boyfriend at the college they both attend, into this project because of his talent for metallurgy. While Takuto is unhappy with Maki keeping secrets from him again, he reluctantly helps with the project. However, in the process of reviving the monster that Dr Noguchi has aptly called Frank (short for Frankenstein), unidentified soldiers invade the MORGUE facility. They cut the power, leading to a power surge which violently brings Frank to life and causes an explosion that kills everyone in the facility except Takuto. "Mr. X" visits the scarred (emotionally and physically) Takuto in the hospital, and offers him a chance to get his vengeance on the monster he blames for killing Maki and destroying his life. Months later Lt. Ryu Soma is reborn from the ashes of Takuto's soul, as a military pilot who joins FUNERAL. This is the organization which deals with the attacking aliens, and has also recaptured Frank (who escaped after the explosion at MORGUE). It quickly becomes clear that Frank has become the best weapon FUNERAL has to defend against the aliens, which leaves Ryu torn between revenge and the desire to protect his comrades. Further complicating the picture, the only person who can communicate with Frank is a young girl named Hattie, who bears a striking resemblance to Ryu/Takuto's lost love Maki. As it becomes apparent that Frank is more than a simple monster, Ryu and his FUNERAL comrades have to come to terms with questions of human identity, grief, and loss.

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Tweedehands producten DVD Films

Wolf's Rain 4

Wolf's Rain gaat over een toekomstige aarde die op de rand van uitsterven staat. In een wereld waarin gedacht werd dat wolven allang uitgestorven waren, leven er toch nog een paar, in menselijke gedaante. De serie volgt de tocht van 4 wolven die het paradijs willen bereiken.

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Tweedehands producten DVD Films

The Soultaker 4

After being stabbed in the chest by his mother, Kyosuke Date returns from the dead to find out he has a twin sister named Runa, and the ability to transform into the amazingly strong, powerful and dangerous superhuman mutant known as the SoulTaker. As he seeks out his twin sister, he is being pursued by the strange mutant doctors and nurses of the Hospital, led by his own father, Richard Vincent, as well as the evil Kirihara corporation, led by Yui Kirihara, who are also tracking down Runa for their own malevolent purposes. Assisting him along the way are the mysterious Shiro Mibu and the nurse mutant girl Komugi Nakahara, who betrayed the Hospital out of strong romantic love for Kyosuke.

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Tweedehands producten DVD Films

Deep Sea Mission Moo

In de diepste zeeen onderzoekt Onderzeeboot 707 een gebied waar veel schepen schipbreuk hebben geleden. Zodra de bemanningsleden een kunstmatig hol in de zeebodem vinden, worden ze aangevallen door een mysterieuze onderzeeer. Ze overleven de aanval, maar de duikboot is gehavend. Om de noodzakelijke reparaties uit te voeren, moet Onderzeeboot 707 op de zeebodem landen. Plotseling verdwijnt de zeebodem en de duikboot belandt in een onbekende nieuwe wereld, genaamd Moo. De bemanningsleden ontdekken dat Moo bewoond is en voortdurend wordt bedreigd door ene 'Red'.

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Tweedehands producten DVD Films

Wolf's Rain 3

Wolf's Rain gaat over een toekomstige aarde die op de rand van uitsterven staat. In een wereld waarin gedacht werd dat wolven allang uitgestorven waren, leven er toch nog een paar, in menselijke gedaante. De serie volgt de tocht van 4 wolven die het paradijs willen bereiken.

€ 4.99

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Tweedehands producten DVD Films